On 8/01/2006 2:47 p.m., Harout S. Hedeshian wrote:
Thanks for all of the help!
FYI: I am running Mandriva Linux 2005 LE When I run ./autogen, I get these errors:
[root@www dovecot]# ./autogen.sh aclocal:configure.in:15: warning: macro `AM_ICONV' not found in library
Install gettext-devel or similar package to quieten this one down.
./autogen.sh: line 2: libtoolize: command not found
Install the libtool to fix this. This one looks more important than the others problems.
configure.in: installing
./install-sh' configure.in: installing
./missing' src/auth/Makefile.am:1: library used butRANLIB' is undefined src/auth/Makefile.am:1: src/auth/Makefile.am:1: The usual way to define
RANLIB' is to addAC_PROG_RANLIB' src/auth/Makefile.am:1: to
configure.in' and runautoconf' again. src/auth/Makefile.am: installing
What version of automake and autoconf have you got? (automake --version and autoconf --version)
src/lib-auth/Makefile.am:1: library used but `RANLIB' is undefined src/lib-auth/Makefile.am:1:
I suspect if you install those two packages you may find it a bit better :)