Hi everyone,
[first post: long and boring. beware!]
I've been working on a virtual multidomain MX server with pop3 access. Accounting for users/domains is done via OpenLDAP with the Jamm[1] schema and dovecot is 1.0rc10 (dovecot-1.0-0_27.rc10.el4.at fetched as RPM from atrpms.net for CentOS 4.4).
I intended to have authenticated binds but there was a problem with the user_filter directive being ignored: user_filter = (&(objectClass=JammMailAccount)(mail=%n@%d)(accountActive=TRUE) (delete=FALSE))
dovecot: Oct 26 16:20:58 Info: auth(default): client in: AUTH 1 PLAIN
service=IMAP secured lip=::ffff: rip=::ffff:
dovecot: Oct 26 16:20:58 Info: auth(default):
ldap(dave@info.test,::ffff: bind search:
base=o=hosting,dc=example,dc=com scope=subtree filter=
dovecot: Oct 26 16:20:58 Info: auth(default):
ldap(dave@info.test,::ffff: unknown user
dovecot: Oct 26 16:20:59 Info: auth(default): client out: FAIL 1
dovecot: Oct 26 16:20:59 Info: imap-login: Disconnected:
user=<dave@info.test>, method=PLAIN, rip=::ffff:,
lip=::ffff:, TLS
(nevermind the data, it's test only)
As you can see from the info file, the search filter used was being (&(objectClass=posixAccount(uid=dave@info.test)) and not (&(objectClass=JammMailAccount)(mail=dave@info.test)(accountActive=TRUE) (delete=FALSE)).
I sorted this out by trying to enable auth_bind_userdn: auth_bind_userdn = mail=%n@%d,jvd=%d,o=hosting,dc=example,dc=com
Now, the login worked well and the debug info is as follows:
dovecot: Oct 27 12:01:48 Info: auth(default): client in: AUTH 1 PLAIN
service=IMAP lip=::ffff: rip=::ffff:
dovecot: Oct 27 12:01:48 Info: auth(default): client out: OK 1
dovecot: Oct 27 12:01:48 Info: auth(default): master in: REQUEST 1
10634 1
dovecot: Oct 27 12:01:48 Info: auth(default):
ldap(dave@info.test,::ffff: base=o=hosting,dc=example,dc=com
scope=subtree filter=(&(objectClass=JammMailAccount)(mail=dave@info.test)
(accountActive=TRUE)(delete=FALSE)) fields=mailbox
dovecot: Oct 27 12:01:48 Info: auth(default): master out: USER 1
dave@info.test mail=info.test/dave/ uid=5000 gid=5000
(nevermind the debug data, passwords, etc. it's test only)
In this case, the search filter is ok: (&(objectClass=JammMailAccount)(mail=dave@info.test)(accountActive=TRUE) (delete=FALSE))
So aparently, the auth_bind_userdn directive that supposedly adds a performance gain by sparing one bind request, seems to interfere with the user_filter directive.
I suspect this might be a bug, so here's my report. Is this a new issue?
Thanks for surviving this far through this post, Best regards, Pedro Venda.
[1]: [Java Mail Manager]: web applications to manage virtual email account information stored in an LDAP directory. (http://jamm.sourceforge.net)
Pedro João Lopes Venda email: pjvenda at pjvenda org http://www.pjvenda.org