On Tue, 2012-07-24 at 11:58 +0800, fy wrote:
what anti-spam for you used ? dspam?spammassian? amavisd-new ? what is best ?
amavisd-new with spamassassin and anti virus scanner, clamav with sanesecurity rules use enforcing rules in mail server, like block hosts with no DNS/rDNS Enforce SPF, publish SPF with hardfail use DNSBL's in your mail server, spamhaus, spamcop, spam.sorbs, and more etc. milter regex to stop dynamic/suspect hosts
There is no one solution, the solution, is a box of many tricks You might get the odd false blocking, but if system opers can not be bothered running a compliant network with standardised naming conventions for servers, then it is not my problem, and we have had very very very few complaints about this type of policy in over a decade. If someoine sooks to you, educate them, dont whitelist them.