Raphael Bittencourt S. Costa wrote:
The problem still remains after I removed hdlm driver.
I've tested on Suse10 with kernel x86_64 and x86_64, with and without hdlm driver. What kernel version do you use on your suse servers? (ppc) (x86_64) (x86) (x86_64) (x86) (x86) 2.6.21-0.9-smp (x86) (x86-64)
All SuSE - SLES9; SLES10 or OpenSUSE 10.x
My hardware mostly is IBM i-series and x-series servers (x86). and IBM RS6000 PPC box. Some them come with preinstalled SuSE linux, some are my own setup. In fact I have tested all dovecot versions since v 0.9.x and never have any problems related to inotify kernel API.
About inotify.: Inotify kernel api is included in "vanilla" kernel since 2.6.17-rc1-mm1 ; before this there were only patches (one of them SuSE patch).
since 2.6.19 it is intended to replace older dnotify api. 2.6.18 include a lots of patches/bugfixes against 2.6.17 code.
Linux kernel developers recommends use of dnotify if kernel is older than 2.16.17 As your case shows - there is problems with patched 2.16.16 code... try use recommended dnotify.
btw: only now I noticed; may SLES9 and SuSE 9.3 uses dnotify...:)
What is the impact on performance if I compile using --with-notify=none? If I couldn't solve this, I'll problably try Debian.
donotify is more resource expensive - inotify allows monitoring of both files and directories via a single open fd. so before you try --with-notify=none, try --with-notify=dnotify