On 2014-01-07 9:30 AM, Thomas Leuxner <tlx@leuxner.net> wrote:
- Charles Marcus <CMarcus@Media-Brokers.com> 2014.01.07 15:05:
Ok, thanks Thomas... but I'm really looking for what Timo says is the correct and proper permissions for a virtual setup like this. I suggest you don't start posts 'Hi all' then going forward.
Well, that wasn't really necessary was it? This isn't my personal support line to Timo, it is a mail list.
When I said 'what Timo says', I was actually hoping this was already documented somewhere and someone else (without having to bother Timo) could point me to the wiki page where this is laid out.
I just don't want to take some $random_user's word for it, if you understand my meaning... no offense intended.
Anyway this is the default for Dovecot quite some time, so reckon someone gave it a thought...
*What* is the default. Are you saying all of the permissions I showed are correct except the ones you mentioned?
But most importantly - *where is this documented*???
Best regards,