ben is the user is in the mail store. Test is the actual server name. That worked just fine. The maildir was copied completely (as best as I can tell with ls). Then I tried the second user:
doveadm(jean)[]<McRYOFI0jGN1MwAAmC+70w>: Error: Mailbox INBOX: Failed to get attribute vendor/vendor.dovecot/pvt/server/sieve/files/.dovecot: Mailbox attributes not enabled
doveadm(jean)[]<0IwxIlI0jGMgUwAAZU03Dg>: Error: Remote command returned error 65: ssh test doveadm dsync-server -ujean -U
In addition, the maildir directories are created, but there are no emails in any of them (e.g., cur). What is the problem with the 2nd and why does it behave differently from the first?