On Thu, 2005-07-21 at 18:35 +0100, John Bramley wrote:
When using Thunderbird (dovecot-0.99.13-3.FC3) on Fedora connecting to dovecot-0.99.13-3.FC3 I am having problems deleting folders which have been created with the 'Allow your new folder to contain: Folders only' option picked.
The folder appears to get deleted but upon restarting Thunderbird the folder still appears to be there but clicking on it I get the error: 'The current command did not succeed. The mailserver responded: Mailbox doesn't exist: <mailbox name>'.
1.0-stable and 1.0-test releases work actually even worse. I added a bug to Mozilla's bugzilla: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=301714
I'm surprised at this bug (or am I doing something completely wrong), surely lots of people use Thunderbird with dovecot, do they not create sub-folders in folders, or are they all using Maildir format, or do they never find the 'Server supports folders that contain sub-folders and messages' advanced option so they are never able to create folders within folders in the first place?
Probably some/all of those :)
Anyway, I think I'll add a workaround setting for this problem.