14 May
14 May
2:04 p.m.
Charles Marcus wrote:
On 5/14/2008, Peter Eriksson (peter@ifm.liu.se) wrote:
Any good ideas on how to pin-point the problem?
If memory serves, some of these were fixed in recent versions... upgrade to 1.0.13 (or maybe even 1.1rc5) and see if that fixes it...
Hmm..? I thought I had installed the lastest version.
*Checks out the system*
Gah! 1.0.9 > 1.0.13 when sorting stuff alphabetically... So my fine package handling system would ignore my lastest installed Dovecot and keep using the 1.0.9 version forever. Doh! :-)
Also, output of dovecot -n, and more platform details (ie, are you using NFS?) will make it easier for someone (else) to help...
NFS: Yes.
Ok, I'll _really_ try 1.0.13 instead and see if that one resurfaces again :-)
- Peter