Den 12. feb. 2017 15:12, skrev Ralph Seichter:
On 12.02.2017 13:25, Stephan Bosch wrote:
The "imap.mailbox" environment is the empty string in this case. Why? Well, the Sieve interpreter does not know about it, since the "imapsieve" extension is not activated in the require line.
Now there's a facepalm moment. ;-) Thank you, with a modified 'require' statement things are working for me.
I see that has already been updated, that's nice.
Tried to add a small variation for dSpam, but there is some anti-spam functionality that I don't understand.
Mind putting this in after the ?
Or, if you are using dspam, (dropping 'sa-' as that would be misleading)
{{{ #!/bin/sh
sed -e 's/\r$//' | /usr/bin/dspam --source=error --class=spam }}}
{{{ #!/bin/sh
sed -e 's/\r$//' | /usr/bin/dspam --debug --source=error --class=innocent }}}
You could debug this with the non-standard "vnd.dovecot.debug" extension.
Thanks again, I will keep this in mind for future debugging.