Op 30/07/2018 om 18:42 schreef Haiko Hertes:

Hello all!


I have changed my mailserver from spamassasin and procmail to rspamd and sieve. Rspamd is working, but with some sieve script I still have problems.


I have created a script to learn spam:


haiko@SERVERNAME:~$ sudo cat /var/vmail/sieve/global/learn-spam.sieve

require ["vnd.dovecot.pipe", "copy", "imapsieve"];

pipe :copy "rspamd-learn-spam.sh";


If I run sieve to use this script I get this:


haiko@SERVERNAME:~$ sudo sieve /var/vmail/sieve/global/learn-spam.sieve

sieve: vnd.dovecot.pipe: file not found

sieve: can't require vnd.dovecot.pipe


Does anyone of you have a hint what could be wrong here??


Yes, whatever that ^^ is, it isn't Dovecot or Pigeonhole. There is no "sieve" command in Dovecot.

