19 Sep
19 Sep
8:01 a.m.
Am 18.09.2014 22:06 schrieb dovecot@outputservices.com:
/dovecot/etc/dovecot/tests/ldap.settings hosts = ldap.outputservices.com tls = no ldap_version = 3 base = dc=ldap,dc=outputservices,dc=com
This will likely also need later on: scope = subtree #since ou=People subtree used user_filter = (uid=%Ln)
2014-09-18 09:44:33 auth: Fatal: LDAP: Buggy LDAP library returned wrong fd: 1
That's the current problem, might happen that dovecot dynamically doesnt load the installed openldap libraries - or from a wrong ELFCLASS (32/64). Check with file(1) and ldd(1) on the dovecot binary, linked libraries and adjust library loadpaths with crle(1) (note differences for 32/64bit).
HTH, Philipp