Forgot to add, this was for lmtp, where the logs here aren't mentioning it, here's what the kernel says, task lmtp blocked for more than 120 seconds.

Miguel Ângelo Santos Pereira <> escreveu no dia quinta, 1/07/2021 à(s) 13:29:
Hey there guys,

Here's what I found in the logs:

Jul 1 08:10:27 tango dovecot: imap-login: Warning: Event 0x564fff5fcb20 leaked (parent=(nil)): client-common.c:217
Jul 1 08:10:27 tango dovecot: master: Warning: Sent SIGTERM to 1 auth processes
Jul 1 08:10:27 tango dovecot: master: Warning: Processes aren't dying after reload, sent SIGTERM to 12 processes.
Jul 1 08:10:27 tango dovecot: pop3-login: Warning: Event 0x5567deff4a00 leaked (parent=(nil)): client-common.c:217
Jul 1 08:10:27 tango dovecot: pop3-login: Warning: Event 0x5562c9058d40 leaked (parent=(nil)): client-common.c:217
Jul 1 08:10:27 tango dovecot: imap-login: Warning: Event 0x5571f845a200 leaked (parent=(nil)): client-common.c:217
Jul 1 08:10:27 tango dovecot: imap-login: Warning: Event 0x5571f84593d0 leaked (parent=(nil)): client-common.c:217
Jul 1 08:10:27 tango dovecot: imap-login: Warning: Event 0x5571f841bf60 leaked (parent=(nil)): client-common.c:217
Jul 1 08:10:27 tango dovecot: imap-login: Warning: Event 0x5571f83f48d0 leaked (parent=(nil)): client-common.c:217
Jul 1 08:10:27 tango dovecot: imap-login: Warning: Event 0x5571f83f4060 leaked (parent=(nil)): client-common.c:217
Jul 1 08:10:27 tango dovecot: imap-login: Warning: Event 0x564fff5fcb20 leaked (parent=(nil)): client-common.c:217
Jul 1 08:10:27 tango dovecot: imap-login: Warning: Event 0x564fff5e0c50 leaked (parent=(nil)): client-common.c:217
Jul 1 08:10:27 tango dovecot: imap-login: Warning: Event 0x564fff5c1c00 leaked (parent=(nil)): client-common.c:217
Jul 1 08:10:27 tango dovecot: imap-login: Warning: Event 0x564fff59f330 leaked (parent=(nil)): client-common.c:217
Jul 1 08:10:27 tango dovecot: imap-login: Warning: Event 0x564fff4db1f0 leaked (parent=(nil)): client-common.c:217
Jul 1 08:09:59 tango dovecot: master: Warning: Sent SIGTERM to 1 stats processes
Jul 1 08:09:59 tango dovecot: master: Warning: Sent SIGTERM to 1 pop3-login processes
Jul 1 08:09:59 tango dovecot: master: Warning: Sent SIGTERM to 5 imap processes
Jul 1 08:09:59 tango dovecot: master: Warning: Sent SIGTERM to 1 imap-login processes
Jul 1 08:09:59 tango dovecot: master: Warning: Sent SIGTERM to 1 config processes
Jul 1 08:09:59 tango dovecot: master: Warning: Sent SIGTERM to 1 auth processes
Jul 1 08:09:59 tango dovecot: master: Warning: Processes aren't dying after reload, sent SIGTERM to 10 processes.
Jul 1 08:09:59 tango dovecot: stats: Warning: Killed with signal 15 (by pid=28266 uid=0 code=kill)
Jul 1 08:09:59 tango dovecot: imap: Warning: Killed with signal 15 (by pid=28266 uid=0 code=kill)
Jul 1 08:09:59 tango dovecot: imap: Warning: Killed with signal 15 (by pid=28266 uid=0 code=kill)
Jul 1 08:09:59 tango dovecot: imap: Warning: Killed with signal 15 (by pid=28266 uid=0 code=kill)
Jul 1 08:09:59 tango dovecot: imap: Warning: Killed with signal 15 (by pid=28266 uid=0 code=kill)


We noticed this as the server wouldn't stop overloading, reaching 150+ load, we had to reboot it. It's not the first time we see this, and kill -9 PID wouldn't do anything to the processes, at all.

Any idea guys? We're stuck here.
I've tried to increase the RAM allocation for dovecot, hope it helps.

Com os meus melhores cumprimentos,
Best Regards,

Miguel Ângelo Santos Pereira

Com os meus melhores cumprimentos,
Best Regards,

Miguel Ângelo Santos Pereira