Ok ive tested it. The sieve script works as expected.
The only error message i have, come from procmail.log:
24918-Folder: /opt/dovecot/libexec/dovecot/deliver 3720 24919-procmail: Error while writing to "/opt/dovecot/libexec/dovecot/deliver" 24920:From KeineAntwortAdresse@web.de Tue Dec 8 07:19:55 2009
The procmail-deliver error logfile is empty and the normal log file dose not contains that error.
Do you have an idea how else i can get the error message?
Am 28.12.2009 13:15, schrieb Tobias Lang:
Am 28.12.2009 um 13:02 schrieb Steve Wagner:
Hi Tobi, yes but it is correct. It should only discard messages that have this header. The sieve filter is larger, this are only the parts witch use discard.
Am 28.12.2009 12:25, schrieb Tobias Lang:
Am 28.12.2009 um 11:55 schrieb Steve Wagner:
if header :contains "Organization" "web.de" { discard; stop; }
This often works, but sometimes it fails. Procmail reports then that deliver reported an error (but not which) and delivers them to my inbox. There are also no message in dovecots or dovecot delivers log file.
This rule will fail, when there is no HeaderEntry called "Organization". You should try "From" instead, this HeaderEntry should always be there to test against.
Hey Steve,
as you can not provide some error messages, it is quite hard to help you with your problem. However, I would guess that there is something wrong with your sieve rules - based on the information, that most mails get filtered correctly. Try analyzing the mails causing errors separately with e.g.:
Maybe you can isolate the error there.