On Fri, Mar 18, 2016 at 5:58 PM, Aaron Lindsay <aclindsa@gmail.com> wrote:
Postfix allows the recipient_delimiter configuration parameter to contain multiple characters, splitting on the first such character it encounters. For example, if using 'recipient_delimiter=+-' both aaron+foo@example.com and aaron-bar@example.com would be delivered to aaron@example.com.
Is anyone opposed to changing dovecot's handling of recipient_delimiter so that it's the same as that of postfix? If not, I am willing to rebase/merge/address review comments on Lennart Weller's patch[1] to get this functionality upstream.
I didn't receive any opposition to my proposal, so I've created two github pull requests for discussion - one for dovecot and one for pigeonhole: https://github.com/dovecot/core/pull/4 https://github.com/dovecot/pigeonhole/pull/2
I've also attached the two patches for review here in case that is preferred. Please keep me in CC as I'm not subscribed to the list.