On Mon, 2007-08-06 at 11:23 +0100, Mike Brudenell wrote:
[Quick side-question: should I be using $USER or $RESTRICTED_USER
here? I can't work out what the difference between them is. Both
are set within Dovecot's standard environment.]
If you're using system users they're the same. If you're using virtual users $USER contains the virtual user and $RESTRICTED_USER contains the system user.
Is there some way of overriding the home directory used in the very
early (imap-login?) process? At present I can only think of either:a) Edit /etc/passwd with a dummy home directory for all users to
appease the very early check, then use the postlogin script to set
the real home directory up for the main imap process, orb) Edit the source code to do likewise.
c) Use checkpassword script for authentication and have it return a different home directory.
I guess this has been asked often enough. v1.1 supports now this:
userdb passwd { args = home=/var/mail/%u }