Dear sirs
Thank you and congratulations for creating Dovecot.
When a message header is split along several lines, it seems only the first one is parsed by sieve.
The following header:
From: "=?iso-8859-1?Q?Cotiatododia=20-=20O=20Jornal=20de=20Not=EDcias=20a=20Se?= =?iso-8859-1?Q?rvi=E7o=20de=20Cotia=20e=20Regi=E3o=2E?=" <>
was not discarded by the following rule (when it should have been due to "cotiatododia"):
if anyof (header :contains ["From", "Reply-To", "To", "Cc"] ["cotiatododia", "", "", "ione.correia", "nsbezerra", "", "", "", "", "", ""], header :contains "Subject" "E ai!, Essa voce Tem que Ver!") { discard; }
Thank you, Dennis