imho wiki is the way to go to be up2date with information, else it would make more sense to make more informative man pages in dovecot, that will never be outdated
I agree that the wiki is useful and important. It just doesn't have any depth regarding the "why" and "how" part of the equation. For example, WHY LMTP vs. LDA (just one example). There are many config snippets with a couple of lines of explanation and not much about how they fit into the big picture. And some config examples (like the default_fields and override_fields issue I reported earlier) simply don't work.
In the Postfix world, there is an old Postfix book (older than Peer's book) which goes into a lot of the "why" and "how". It takes you through the whole process from nothing to a full-fledged server and really gives you the big picture. All of that is still valid today. Then the postfix website is the place to go for up-to-date description of each config option. Even there, the web pages contain much more descriptive information about each config option -- how it's used, when, why, side-effects, etc.
If I knew what I was doing, I'd offer to help add to the wiki. But as a newbie, I don't even know what I don't know. ;-)
So I'm hoping that Peer's book will provide that overall big-picture and that I can find an English copy somehow.