On Sábado 29 Octubre 2011 04:03:41 sean darcy escribió:
I have a virtual user test1.
cat /etc/dovecot/users test1@<mydomain>:{PLAIN}test1pass:504:504::/home/vmail/%d/%n catchall@<mydomain>:{PLAIN}password:504:504::/home/vmail/%d/%n @<mydomain>:{PLAIN}password:504:504::/home/vmail/<mydomain>/catchall test1@example.com:{PLAIN}test1pass:504:504::/home/vmail/%d/%n
ls /home/vmail/%d/%n/mail cur dovecot.index.cache dovecot.index.log dovecot-uidlist dovecot-uidvalidity dovecot-uidvalidity.4eab20a7 new tmp
and mail to test1@<mydomain> goes into this %d/%n folder. In fact dovecot created the folder - at least I didn't.
from dovecot-info.log
Oct 28 17:43:11 auth: Debug: master in: USER 4 test1@<mydomain> service=lmtp Oct 28 17:43:11 auth: Debug: passwd(test1@<mydomain>): lookup Oct 28 17:43:11 auth: Info: passwd(test1@<mydomain>): unknown user Oct 28 17:43:11 auth: Debug: passwd-file(test1@<mydomain>): lookup: user=test1@<mydomain> file=/etc/dovecot/users Oct 28 17:43:11 auth: Debug: master out: USER 4 test1@<mydomain> uid=504 gid=504 home=/home/vmail/%d/%n Oct 28 17:43:11 lmtp(4533, test1@<mydomain>): Info: l6DnLacgq061EQAABoXEcA: msgid=<4EAB21EC.9070905@gmail.com>: saved mail to INBOX
I would have expected dovecot to expand this to /home/vmail/<mydomain>/test1.
Or are the %u %d variables only expanded in certain files?
I had this same misunderstanding few days ago (in my case using ldap, but it doesn't matter). The usage of variables makes sense when used in generic values (e.g. mail_location), but not when used in a per-user db, and so they're not expanded in that cases.
So: when adding a new entry in your passdb file, you should write actual values instead of variables. Usually it's really easy.
Joseba Torre. Vicegerencia de TICs, área de Explotación