Heh? they pretty much do exactly as described.
the service lmtp is how you inject email into dovecot using the lmtp protocol.
the service auth is how you can authenicate user/password against
dovecot, normally used in postfix for sasl auth
the mode setting is just that, the file mode to set for that file,
0666, all access, 0660 only user/group access.
Quoting Matthew Brown <mnbbrown@gmail.com>:
Could somebody be able to explain to me what the various
unix_listeners do in the Dovecot 2.x configuration (specifically in
10-master.conf).Currently, for postfix to use for local delivery, I have:
service lmtp { unix_listener /var/spool/postfix/private/dovecot-lmtp { group = postfix mode = 0660 user = postfix } }
and for auth I have:
service auth {
unix_listener /var/spool/postfix/private/auth { mode = 0666 }
unix_listener auth-userdb { mode = 0666 user = vmail } }
So what does each one specifically do?
Also, does somebody know of a resource that can explain the mode
setting? I couldn't seem to find anything on the wiki.. Sorry if these questions seem simple, Im still trying to get a grips
with dovecots workings.MDA: Dovecot v2.0.13 MTA: SMTP User & Virtual Domain Management: MySQL
Cheers, Matthew