On Sat, 30 Jun 2007 22:12:30 -0400 Bill Cole <dovecot-20061108@billmail.scconsult.com> wrote:
Do concurrent sessions for POP3 really ever make sense?
See http://wiki.dovecot.org/POP3Server "Session locking" for a rationale why dovecot defaults to allowing it. Another scenario would be a pop3 client at home downloading (leaving mail on the server) while the actual customer is looking at the mailbox with a pop3 webmail interface.
I suppose we would set mail_max_user_connections to 15 for IMAP (though having to support corporate mailboxes with a potentially large number of distinct clients might render this feature moot here and force us to set it to 30-50) and 2-3 for POP3. While at the same time I'll be praying that 1.5 million logins/day won't cause the tracking code for this to melt or leak memory. ;)
Christian Balzer Network/Systems Engineer NOC chibi@gol.com Global OnLine Japan/Fusion Network Services http://www.gol.com/