This is what happens when a customer (without previously having used dovecot) connects:
A002 SELECT "INBOX" A002 NO Internal error occured. Refer to server log for more information. [2005- 05-31 17:56:36]
The internal error is a 'quota exceeded'.
I think at the very minimum someone should be able to delete email...
On occassion I have to temporarily increase a user's quota just to allow them to connect and remove their email.
Well, this really is not an option for us. We have 200.000+ customers. The administrative overhead is just too large.
The problem as I see it, however, isn't specifically a Dovecot issue. the quotas are filesystem level quotas, and in order to move/delete/etc mail, the user would have to have persmissions to write files on the filesystem (which it does not). Obviously having the imap/pop3 portions of dovecot running as root is not an option.
Well, it should be possible, after all UW can do it..and if they can...;) To delete a file, theoretically there should be no writing necessary. Just unlink the file and forget about updating indexes (btw, our indexes are on a seperate filesystem without quotas!). Actually it seemed dovecot wanted to create the dovecot-uidlist file, and barfed on not being able to do that.