5 Apr
5 Apr
2:56 a.m.
Op 4/4/2018 om 11:38 PM schreef Stephan Bosch:
Op 4/4/2018 om 8:26 PM schreef Ricardo Machini Barbosa:
After update dovecot to version 2.3.x, LMTP stopped to receive big messages ( > 45 MB ). Messages are being sent to dovecot LMTP by postfix. If I change this email to another server with dovecot 2.2.x the same message are delivered immediately. Confirmed. Starts to fail here around 30Mb. Tested with Swaks.
Working on a fix...
Problem found. It is an explicit limit of 40Mb (for the 30Mb I saw in my tests, there was also a base64 encoding I forgot about).
Will fix both the unhelpful error and the fact that there should be no limit (currently) for LMTP.