On 25.4.2012, at 21.28, Kris Weston wrote:
but then this happens when i attempt to send mail and this means the user gets rejected because dovecot cant find the user id in the db without the correct string (i.e. user@domain): localhost dovecot: auth: Debug: sql(admin,xx.xx.xx.xx): query: SELECT id as user, crypt as password FROM users WHERE id= 'admin' What exactly is doing this lookup? SMTP AUTH? Maybe the client's SMTP authentication is configured without the @domain part in username?
saslauthd via a query in dovecot-sql.conf.ext? There is no saslauthd in Dovecot.
thats correct, its not in dovecot, its installed on the same machine. but regardless, its salsauthd.
saslauthd doesn't authenticate via Dovecot. It might authenticate via IMAP though.
thanks for trying, but forget it, its clear to me from answers ive received that nobody has a clue about this problem. guess im on me own. cheers bye!
The reason why nobody has a clue is because you haven't provided the full logs. We can only guess what the problem is. With full logs there would be no guessing necessary.