Sorry, I was not very clear on my request...
I dont want emails from cron unless there is a problem.
I was hopping Timo could patch the expunge call. So information messages go to std.out and errors to std.error..
Thanks KuiZ
On Wed, Mar 16, 2011 at 12:47 PM, Pascal Volk <> wrote:
On 03/16/2011 08:00 PM Kui Zhang wrote:
This command
doveadm expunge -u "user@domain" mailbox ".namespace/*" savedbefore 7d
writes these messages to std.error
doveadm(user@domain): Info: expunge: box=.namespace/INBOX, uid=5932, msgid=<E1Puxwf-0001fD-Si@hostname>, size=1824 …
Can we write these messages(informational) to std.out
It would help reduce cron mails.
Yes - we can. :-)
doveadm expunge -u "user@domain" mailbox ... 2>&1
But cron will send you mails with stdout output too. AFAIK
Regards, Pascal
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