On 2/20/19 5:09 AM, Yassine Chaouche via dovecot wrote:
On 2/12/19 5:05 PM, Robert Moskowitz via dovecot wrote:
I have trying to find how to set the dovecot-sql.conf for using SHA256/512.  I am going to start clean with the stronger format, not migrate from the old MD5.  It seems all I need is:
default_pass_scheme = SHAxxx-CRYPT

How do your users change their password ?

Many never do!  Those that do, use the Roundcube plugin, or ask me to change their password via the Postfixadmin manager.  Sigh.

Here's how I configured my roundcube's password plugin to keep things together ($roundcubefolder/plugins/password/config.php)

$config['password_algorithm']        = 'dovecot';
$config['password_algorithm_prefix'] = '{SHA512-CRYPT}';
$config['password_dovecotpw_method'] = 'SHA512-CRYPT';
$config['password_query']            = "UPDATE mail.users SET password=%P WHERE email=%u LIMIT 1";

I left other fields alone.


Thanks much better info than I was seeing in my googling.  Except I would not use %p:

// The SQL query used to change the password.
// The query can contain the following macros that will be expanded as follows:
//      %p is replaced with the plaintext new password
//      %c is replaced with the crypt version of the new password, MD5 if available
//         otherwise DES.
//      %D is replaced with the dovecotpw-crypted version of the new password
//      %o is replaced with the password before the change
//      %n is replaced with the hashed version of the new password
//      %q is replaced with the hashed password before the change
//      %h is replaced with the imap host (from the session info)
//      %u is replaced with the username (from the session info)
//      %l is replaced with the local part of the username
//         (in case the username is an email address)
//      %d is replaced with the domain part of the username
//         (in case the username is an email address)

%D seems to be what I want...

And in mysql, I believe the table is mailbox.

$rcmail_config['password_query'] = "UPDATE mailbox SET password = %D, modified = NOW() WHERE username = %u";

I got from: https://kaworu.ch/blog/2016/04/20/strong-crypt-scheme-with-dovecot-postfixadmin-and-roundcube/
