Citeren PGNet Dev <>:
On 4/9/21 8:08 AM, @lbutlr wrote:
On 08 Apr 2021, at 06:08, PGNet Dev <> wrote:
whereas other services listen at both IPv4 & IPv6 addresses, with
IPv6 preferred over IPv4, postfix listens ONLY on IPv4,Do you mean that YOUR postfix only listens to ipv4?
If so, wouldn't the solution be to setup postfix to listen to ipv6?
That would work, of course, but that's not the point. I'm not
planning to open postfix listener on the public IPv6 in order to
accommodate one service connection (Dovecot's relay submit), only to
have to add add'l knobs to lock down access.
There is no need to use a global address, assuming the systems Postfix
and Dovecot are on the same LAN, a link-local IPv6 address would be
just fine. This is no less insecure than a RFC1918 IPv4 address.
And it's a bad assumption that since the host is dual-stack that all
services on it will be.
I fail to see why. If a hostname resolves to both an A and AAAA
record, it should provides services on both.
The 'solution' is to have Dovecot relay submit connect where & how
you TELL it to connect, NOT where it assumes it's OK to connect.
You've already told it where to connect:
Since that host has both an A and AAAA record, you're telling it both
are equally fine. If that's not what you want, either hardcode the
IPv4 address in the submission_relay_host or create an A record.
It's already possible to set
submission_relay_host = submission_relay_port = submission_relay_ssl = submission_relay_ssl_verify = submission_relay_trusted =
in order to specify exactly how/where to securely connect for relay.
It's a head scratcher what the philosophical reticence is for
completing the picture with asubmission_relay_inet_protocols
or somesuch.
It's a head scratcher why people still insist on running services on
legacy IPv4 only.