On Tue, Jun 05, 2012 at 11:59:47PM +1100, Костырев Александр Алексеевич wrote:
I'm more worried about right design of mailstorage.. should I use some cluster fs with all mail of all users or should I split mailstorage across servers and somehow avoid long downtime if one of servers goes down.
A clusterfs gives you active/active high availability and balanced distribution of users over your servers, at the cost of somewhat degraded I/O performance all the time. If a single node will be able to serve your load, I think it's much more sensible to create a passive/standby availability solution based on a local filesystem (XFS).
If you need to split your mailstorage across servers, you can do active/standby server pairs -- but then it gets difficult to balance your users over your servers, and you *might* want to cheat and use a clusterfs instead..