- Stan Hoeppner <stan@hardwarefreak.com>:
If this is the case, if I switch from having Postfix do local delivery to /var/mail to having Postfix use dovecot LDA, what other changes would I need
to make? Would I still be able to sort new messages with Tbird filter
Sure. Tbird filter rules are local, client rules run on your computer and not on the mailserver.
rules? What directory would dovecot LDA drop the new messages into? Would
Dovecot deliver will put messages into the same place where Postfix local puts them now.
I need to make name space changes? I've never actually done anything
Nope, deliver replaces Postfix local LDA transparently.
manually with name spaces. I let dovecot figure it out automagically.
Thanks for the interest in my topic. I know it's not a very interesting one since apparently I'm the only one on the planet experiencing this.
Putting 40k+ messages - IIRC you wrote that - into a single mailbox is not unusual allthough I hardly now any postmaster who recommends that.
Having no index on 40k messages means the mail server needs to scan the directory any time a mail client accesses the mailbox. This takes time and might explain the delay you experience.
Dovecots ability always to provide an up to date if you use its LDA deliver was one of the major reasons to use Dovecot for me. We had a non-Dovecot IMAP server with a load of 60. It went down to 2 the day we began to use Dovecot with deliver AND access to messages became faster.
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