23.05.2007 23:02 Nicolas Boullis:
I have written a plugin so that each time a message is added to a
specific box, a program is run and the message is piped into it.
Note that the message is also really added to the box.
I'm totally in. There is this dspam plugin by Johannes Berg mentioned
on the dovecot plugin page which has the nice feature of managing
spam-learning with just one folder. But I think your more generic
approach by using pipes and making the command execution configurable
is more nifty (and not limited to spam-learning). But for spam-
learning Johannes' approach is a more intuitive way: As prerequisite
mail recognized as spam by the filter is put into a spam folder by
some mechanism (maildrop, sieve). Then by removing a mail from the
spam folder, a mail is relearned as ham. By adding a mail to the spam
folder, the mail is learned as spam. From my experience users easily
understand putting spam into a spamfolder (with imap, with pop3
forwarding spam to a spam-box didn't work well) but nearly anybody
actually does ham-learning if another folder is involved where mail
has to be copied to. The spam learning would be fine with your plugin
but is there a way to trigger ham learning when a mail is added to
any other mail folder than spam?