Noel Butler wrote:
it seems I'm missing a lot of your posts, looks likely our SA anti_troll rules
Simply being wrong does not a troll make, however...
It was pointed out to you a couple of months ago on the spam-l list that you are making some really bad decisions wrt your SA/Mailscanner rules, some of which make you worse than a backscatter source - in fact, one of your rules caused you to actually spam the spam-l list, and then to compound the error you explicitly said you made no apologies for it (which got you moderated) - not very smart...
You also said earlier that you were missing some of my posts - and now some of Stans - which makes it on the order of 100% certain that you are losing other legitimate mail, so obviously that rule is not the only ill-advised one you implement.
To each his own, just please don't start spamming the dovecot list.
Best regards,