Hello Timo,
I'm running dovecot-1.2.11/Maildir and plan to migrate to single UID mailboxes some day, but for now, I've got "system" users and I'm testing permissions handling in order to set up shared mailboxes.
The private namespace mailboxes location is
location = maildir:/courriel/boites/%u:CONTROL=/courriel/meta/%u:INDEX=/var/dovecot-test/indexes/%1u/%u
. created a 'doveshared' unix group . added 'mail_access_groups = doveshared' . chmod/chgrp the maildir and control dirs like this :
drwxrws--- 7 doveimap doveshared 4096 Mar 31 18:47 /courriel/boites/doveimap
drwxrws--- 5 doveimap doveshared 4096 Mar 31 18:47 /courriel/meta/doveimap
[which were empty]
. added 'acl_shared_dict = file:/var/dovecot-test/dict/shared-mailboxes' with
drwxrwxs-- 2 root doveshared 512 Mar 31 18:44 /var/dovecot-test/dict
[which were empty]
Everything gets created with the permission I was expecting, except :
-rw------- 1 doveimap doveshared 8 Mar 31 18:47 /courriel/meta/doveimap/dovecot-uidvalidity -rw------- 1 doveimap doveshared 0 Mar 31 18:44 /courriel/meta/doveimap/dovecot-uidvalidity.4bb37be4
-rw------- 1 doveimap doveshared 0 Mar 31 18:44 /var/dovecot-test/dict/shared-mailboxes
I can't see the explanation in
and the 'dovecot-shared' file doesn't help (besides, my understanding is that in 1.2x, it's for backward compatibility reason).
Any idea ?
-- Thomas Hummel | Institut Pasteur <hummel@pasteur.fr> | Pôle informatique - systèmes et réseau