Thanks Stephan, but doesn't work. I try both
plugin: sieve: ~/sieve/
plugin: sieve: ~/.dovecot.sieve
But still have message:
NO "Script name 'sogo' is reserved for internal use."
Stephan Bosch wrote:
On 5/6/2011 10:14 PM, Pablo Luchetti wrote:
Hi, I have a problem with dovecot's sieve and SOGo ( )
I have installed last version of sogo ( 1.3.6) in one virtual machine with ubuntu, lucid. In another virtualmachine with ubuntu jaunty is running dovecot ( 1:1.1.11-0ubuntu4.1 )
When try to activate vacation function, after the "PUTSCRIPT "sogo" command, the manage-sieve answer:
NO "Script name 'sogo' is reserved for internal use."
plugin: sieve: ~/sieve/s0g0.sieve
The default for sieve_dir is '~/sieve/', so now you are putting the active script symlink (as configured with sieve=) in the sieve storage. This is never a good idea, because that symlink may be confused with a normal script. To prevent issues, the ManageSieve daemon prevents you from using the symlink as a scriptname.
Why did you configure it like that? If you remove the above line, or change it to something sensible, like the default value sieve=~/.dovecot.sieve, it will work normally.