9 Oct
9 Oct
12:10 a.m.
On Wed, 2006-09-27 at 13:43 +1000, Simon L Jackson wrote:
pw = getpwnam(request->user); if (pw == NULL) { auth_request_log_info(request, "sia", "unknown user"); callback(PASSDB_RESULT_USER_UNKNOWN, request); return; } /* check if the password is valid */ if (password != NULL) { char *argutility = "dovecot"; result = ( sia_validate_user
(checkpw_collect,1,&argutility,NULL, (char *) request->user,NULL,NULL,NULL,(char *) password) == SIASUCCESS ); }
Is there a reason why you're doing a getpwnam() lookup, since it looks like sia_validate_user() does all the work?