Something is going on with your user permissions. Are you adding/deleting/modifying users [probably while they are logged in]? The system is not able to figure out the user permissions for the mail file, so it is creating those BOGUS files.
What are the permissions on the BOGUS and the user mail files? Are they "username:mail" or something different?
On Jul 2, 2005, at 10:30 AM, Obantec Support wrote:
I have seen 2 different files (usernames) with the BOGUS setting and the username file. i have yet to see a BOGUS file > 0 bytes.
Yes in /var/spool/mail
----- Original Message ----- From: "Saurabh Barve" <> To: "Mailing List Dovecot" <> Sent: Saturday, July 02, 2005 4:44 PM Subject: Re: [Dovecot] BOGUS files
You must have seen this file in /var/spool/mail, right? I've seen this too. This is the old file mail file for user watasuik. It gets created when you change settings for the user when the user is logged in [changing groups, etc]. It seems that the systems gets confused about which user's mail it is. Somebody on this list can give you a more technical explanation. But if you see the user's mail file [/var/spool/mail/watasiuk] as well, you can just merge the two files to get the complete mail for the user.
On Jul 2, 2005, at 3:26 AM, Obantec Support wrote:
what does this mean BOGUS.watasiuk.8B8I (watasiuk is a username).
Obantec Support 0845 458 3121 WebHosting and Domains Nominet UK Member & IPStag Holder CentralNic Accredited Reseller
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