I wasted too much time today doing this, but they do show a few interesting things:
mmap_disable=yes is faster than mmap_disable=no. I didn't expect this. I'm not yet sure why this is, but possibly because then it updates the mail index by reading the changes from dovecot.index.log, instead of reopening and re-mmaping dovecot.index. At least that's the biggest difference between them.
Dovecot is faster than Cyrus, at least in test. I didn't really expect this either, because with maildir Dovecot has to do extra rename() calls for all flag changes. I'm guessing it's expunges that are slowing Cyrus down the most (that causes it to rewrite its cache file).
fsync_disable=yes + mmap_disable=yes almost doubles the performance with 1 client, and over quadruples the performance with 10 clients. Why fsync_disable=yes + mmap_disable=no doesn't give that big of a performance difference? I've no idea. This is anyway such a large performance increment that I'll probably go and backport this setting to v1.0 too :)
Dovecot's mbox code kicks maildir's ass.
dbox is surprisingly slow. I'll have to find out why. I don't think it should be that slow.
Courier.. Well, it probably doesn't come as a shock that Dovecot is almost twice as fast. Note that Courier doesn't call fsync(), so it can't be compared to Dovecot's fsync_disable=no numbers or to Cyrus. Oh, one other difference between Courier and others was that it didn't support LITERAL+ extension, so it maybe could have done a bit less appends than others.
CVS HEAD and branch_1_0 don't seem to have that big of a performance difference.
All the tests were done using my IMAP tester: http://dovecot.org/tools/imaptest.c
The mailbox data that was being appended was Dovecot's mailing list: http://dovecot.org/archives/dovecot.mbox
The linefeeds were converted to CR+LF. However, for the Dovecot CVS HEAD runs the mails contained also those extra X-UID, Status, etc. headers which I had to remove before Cyrus would accept them (the lines didn't contain CRs). So CVS HEAD was actually doing a bit more work than the others.
Intel Core 2 Duo E6600, 2GB memory, 300GB Seagate ATA disk with XFS Linux, x86-64 SMP, Debian unstable
Dovecot: CVS HEAD unless specified otherwise Cyrus: v2.2.13-10 (Debian) - NOTE: comparable to fsync_disable:no Courier: v4.1.1.20060828-2 (Debian) - NOTE: comparable to fsync_disable:yes!
Dovecot: login_process_per_connection=no, login_processes_count=10, mail_drop_priv_before_exec=yes, passdb+userdb = passwd-file Cyrus: Default Debian settings, except sasl_pwcheck_method: alwaystrue Courier: Default Debian settings, using PAM + passwd
imaptest parameters: clients=1 msgs=30 secs=120 seed=1
mmap_disable:no fsync_disable:no Logi Sele Fetc Fet2 Stor Dele Expu Appe Disc 1135 1135 1134 1134 577 298 298 378 1134 1125 1125 1124 1124 573 295 295 373 1124 1123 1123 1122 1122 572 294 294 371 1122
mmap_disable:yes fsync_disable:no Logi Sele Fetc Fet2 Stor Dele Expu Appe Disc 1401 1401 1400 1400 710 388 388 480 1400 1398 1398 1397 1397 710 386 385 478 1397 1395 1395 1394 1394 709 384 384 476 1394
mmap_disable:no fsync_disable:yes Logi Sele Fetc Fet2 Stor Dele Expu Appe Disc 1356 1356 1355 1355 687 369 369 460 1355 1360 1360 1359 1359 690 371 370 462 1359 1363 1363 1362 1362 693 372 372 463 1362
mmap_disable:yes fsync_disable:yes Logi Sele Fetc Fet2 Stor Dele Expu Appe Disc 2486 2486 2485 2485 1221 669 669 811 2485 2475 2475 2474 2474 1216 667 667 807 2474 2497 2497 2496 2496 1226 673 673 815 2496
mmap_disable:yes fsync_disable:no - VERSION: CVS branch_1_0 Logi Sele Fetc Fet2 Stor Dele Expu Appe Disc 1359 1359 1358 1358 690 370 370 461 1358
mmap_disable:yes fsync_disable:no format:mbox Logi Sele Fetc Fet2 Stor Dele Expu Appe Disc 2101 2101 2100 2100 1046 568 568 684 2100 2064 2064 2063 2063 1031 553 552 669 2063
mmap_disable:yes fsync_disable:yes format:mbox Logi Sele Fetc Fet2 Stor Dele Expu Appe Disc 3362 3362 3361 3361 1653 912 911 1095 3361
mmap_disable:yes fsync_disable:yes format:dbox Logi Sele Fetc Fet2 Stor Dele Expu Appe Disc 820 820 819 819 406 209 209 267 819
Cyrus: Logi Sele Fetc Fet2 Stor Dele Expu Appe Disc 535 535 533 533 261 148 148 195 534 520 520 519 519 254 142 142 189 520
Courier: Logi Sele Fetc Fet2 Stor Dele Expu Appe Disc 833 833 832 831 407 250 250 350 832 822 822 821 820 404 245 245 344 821
imaptest parameters: clients=1 msgs=1000 secs=120 seed=1
mmap_disable:no fsync_disable:no Logi Sele Fetc Fet2 Stor Dele Expu Appe Disc 365 365 364 364 181 226 226 487 364 376 376 375 375 186 236 236 503 375 369 369 368 368 183 230 230 493 368
mmap_disable:yes fsync_disable:no Logi Sele Fetc Fet2 Stor Dele Expu Appe Disc 426 426 425 425 212 269 269 564 425 428 428 427 427 213 271 271 567 427 424 424 423 423 211 267 266 562 423
mmap_disable:no fsync_disable:yes Logi Sele Fetc Fet2 Stor Dele Expu Appe Disc 497 497 496 496 240 320 320 664 496 501 501 500 500 243 322 322 671 500 495 495 494 494 240 318 317 662 494
mmap_disable:yes fsync_disable:yes Logi Sele Fetc Fet2 Stor Dele Expu Appe Disc 742 742 741 741 378 500 500 991 741 747 747 746 746 379 504 504 996 746 743 743 742 742 378 501 501 992 742
mmap_disable:yes fsync_disable:no format:mbox Logi Sele Fetc Fet2 Stor Dele Expu Appe Disc 485 485 484 484 235 311 311 649 484
Cyrus: Logi Sele Fetc Fet2 Stor Dele Expu Appe Disc 290 290 289 289 144 173 173 394 289 286 286 285 285 141 172 172 387 285
Courier: Logi Sele Fetc Fet2 Stor Dele Expu Appe Disc 461 461 460 459 223 295 295 615 460 458 458 457 457 222 293 293 611 457
imaptest parameters: clients=10 msgs=30 secs=120 seed=1
mmap_disable:no fsync_disable:no Logi Sele Fetc Fet2 Stor Dele Expu Appe Disc 444 442 432 430 210 214 213 490 434 479 479 470 468 213 216 214 508 469 476 472 464 463 211 206 203 485 460
mmap_disable:yes fsync_disable:no Logi Sele Fetc Fet2 Stor Dele Expu Appe Disc 440 440 433 431 195 184 183 460 430 436 436 430 430 199 177 176 455 426 435 432 425 425 208 165 165 455 425
mmap_disable:no fsync_disable:yes Logi Sele Fetc Fet2 Stor Dele Expu Appe Disc 680 679 674 670 325 299 298 721 670 676 675 669 669 307 297 297 693 666 688 687 677 677 311 305 303 731 678
mmap_disable:yes fsync_disable:yes Logi Sele Fetc Fet2 Stor Dele Expu Appe Disc 1804 1803 1793 1790 904 765 764 1901 1792 1804 1804 1801 1800 888 789 787 1949 1793 1800 1800 1789 1786 875 799 797 1964 1782
mmap_disable:yes fsync_disable:no format:mbox Logi Sele Fetc Fet2 Stor Dele Expu Appe Disc 644 644 633 633 305 224 221 526 634
Cyrus: Logi Sele Fetc Fet2 Stor Dele Expu Appe Disc 444 441 429 421 209 186 184 381 436 424 422 420 412 193 186 185 395 415 443 442 431 419 227 180 180 373 433
Courier: Logi Sele Fetc Fet2 Stor Dele Expu Appe Disc 981 976 974 973 463 406 405 667 971 971 966 965 965 451 384 383 655 961