
I have the autoexpunge settings defined inside protocol imap thus (and it works):

protocol imap {
  mail_plugins = quota notify replication imap_quota imap_sieve
  namespace inbox {
    location =
    mailbox Ham {
      autoexpunge = 365 days
    mailbox Spam {
      autoexpunge = 365 days
    mailbox Trash {
      autoexpunge = 180 days
    prefix =

Good luck,

On 08.08.2019 21:34, Amir Caspi via dovecot wrote:
Hi all,

Might anyone have any idea about this issue?  I can run a cron job if needed but it seems like autoexpunge SHOULD be doing this automatically...


--- Amir

On Jul 24, 2019, at 10:18 PM, Amir Caspi <Cepheid@3phase.com> wrote:

Hi all,

I set up dovecot a couple of months ago and am having trouble getting autoexpunge=30d to work on my Trash and Junk mailboxes.  Not sure why not because I'm not getting error messages in my log.
Running "doveadm search -u <user> mailbox Junk savedbefore 30d" shows me many messages (I've got messages back to mid-May, and a couple of other users have them back to early April, although if this setting were working, there should be nothing earlier than June 24).  Running a manual doveadm expunge works fine... it's just autoexpunge that seems to not be running at all.

I'm using sendmail as the MTA and procmail as the LDA, so dovecot is running purely for IMAP/POP service.

Any help is much appreciated.


doveconf -n:
# 2.2.36 (1f10bfa63): /etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf
# OS: Linux 3.10.0-957.21.3.el7.x86_64 x86_64 CentOS Linux release 7.6.1810 (Core)  
# Hostname: REDACTED
auth_username_format = %Ln
first_valid_uid = 1000
mail_location = mbox:~/mail:INBOX=/var/spool/mail/%u
mailbox_list_index = yes
mbox_write_locks = fcntl
namespace compat1 {
 alias_for =
 hidden = yes
 list = no
 location =
 prefix = mail/
 separator = /
namespace compat2 {
 alias_for =
 hidden = yes
 list = no
 location =
 prefix = ~/mail/
 separator = /
namespace compat3 {
 alias_for =
 hidden = yes
 list = no
 location =
 prefix = ~%u/mail/
 separator = /
namespace inbox {
 inbox = yes
 location =
 mailbox Archive {
   special_use = \Archive
 mailbox "Deleted Messages" {
   autoexpunge = 30 days
   special_use = \Trash
 mailbox Drafts {
   special_use = \Drafts
 mailbox Junk {
   autoexpunge = 30 days
   special_use = \Junk
 mailbox "Junk E-mail" {
   autoexpunge = 30 days
   special_use = \Junk
 mailbox Sent {
   special_use = \Sent
 mailbox "Sent Messages" {
   special_use = \Sent
 mailbox Spam {
   autoexpunge = 30 days
   special_use = \Junk
 mailbox Trash {
   autoexpunge = 30 days
   special_use = \Trash
 prefix =
 separator = /
passdb {
 driver = pam
pop3_uidl_format = %08Xv%08Xu
ssl_cert = # REDACTED
ssl_cipher_list = # REDACTED
ssl_dh_parameters_length = # REDACTED
ssl_key =  # hidden, use -P to show it
ssl_prefer_server_ciphers = yes
userdb {
 driver = passwd