On 08/04/2010 11:15, Ibrahim Harrani wrote:
What do you mean with "this" is it z-push?
I do not have any experince about push mail and mobile devices. I read some documents and I am a little bit confused. If I understood correctly(most probable not :)) Someone says that dovecot IMAP-IDLE solution is enough without installing anything else. other one says you have to install z-push. Are these two solution alternative to each other or they complete each other?
push and imap-idle are 2 different things.
z-push emulates the behavior of windows active sync, so for example, you could configure your iphone to get mail from an exchange server, even if it is not an exchange server, it will mimic it's abilities.
imap-idle is the standard way of configuring things.
You can enable both if you wish, but from the client point of view, configuration will not be the same. One (z-push) will require an exchange like configuration, while imap-idle will require an imap configuration (provided the MUA can handle imap-idle).