On Mon, Nov 28, 2005 at 12:40:08PM +0100, Matteo Garofano wrote:
Hi, I found that dovecot have many nice features. Now I write because I'm tring to setup the dovecot server, I would substitute a qpopper daemon (patched for mysql authentication) The problem I find is to set up the pop-before-smtp using sql (mysq) as written in http://wiki.dovecot.org/moin.cgi/PopBSMTPAndDovecot (Waiting for post_login ;-) I would use the script popbsmtp.sh and not a perl pig. (I'm using qpopper patched to store the relay IP in mysql and it works) I set .my.cnf in /root What happen is that the $3 don't contain the IP that should be written to the DB. Is there something I miss ? I tried to modify the dovecot.conf file like this mail_executable = /usr/local/libexec/dovecot/popbsmtp.sh /usr/local/libexec/dovecot/pop3 %r "%r" and it write to the db the litteral value %r and not the ip, otherwise it write nothing.
The first thing to do is some debugging: in the popbsmtp.sh script write the received parameters to a file, and decide where the problem is! For exemple,
echo "Login from $3, parameters 1=$1, 2=$2, 3=$3, 4=$4" >> /var/log/dovecot3
I did not need to put %r in the dovecot.conf, my line is
mail_executable = /usr/lib/dovecot/popbsmtp.sh /usr/lib/dovecot/pop3
If you put any junk afterwards, you will find that it's not $3 anymore but $4 or $5 or whatever.
My dovecot version is a 1.0stable.