try running this on the NEW dovecot server:
doveadm backup -u uid -R tcp:
to pull the messages from old server.
On 22 Jan 2019, at 16.52, Marc Roos <M.Roos@f1-outsourcing.eu> wrote:
Hi Martin,
I feel a bit like an idiot, but I have been trying with copy, so I do not lose any message when testing. But I can't get them to copy. I do indeed have same uid and gid.
[@~]# doveadm mailbox status -S -u testuser -t messages test messages=43 [@~]# doveadm mailbox status -u testuser -t messages INBOX/test2 messages=16
[@~]# doveadm -v copy -S -u testuser INBOX/test2 mailbox test [@~]#
[@~]# doveadm mailbox status -S -u testuser -t messages test messages=43 [@~]# doveadm mailbox status -u testuser -t messages INBOX/test2 messages=16
Also tried with doveadm -v copy -S -u testuser INBOX/test2 user testuser mailbox test
doveadm [-Dv] move [-S socket_path] -u user destination [user source_user] search_query
Moving all mails from mailbox INBOX/test on serverA to mailbox Archive/2017 on local serverB.
- destination Archive/2017 must exist
- Limitation: source_user and testuser must share the same UID and GID
doveadm move -S x.x.x.x:x -u testuserAtServerB Archive/2017 user source_userAtServerA mailbox INBOX/test ALL
I wanted to move messages from a mbox mailbox on server A to mdbox on server B. I thought I could do this by connecting to the remote server with "doveadm move -S x.x.x.x:x -u testuser Archive/2017 mailbox INBOX/test" but I guess this will only allow and move messages internally on server B? Should I use dsync, or is there another way to move the messages?