On Sat, Jan 19, 2013 at 8:57 PM, Thomas Leuxner <tlx@leuxner.net> wrote:
- Jens Tobiska <jtobiska@gmail.com> 2013.01.19 20:50:
dovecot and MYREMOTEIP is the ip of the computer from which I try to connect). I used "mutt -f imap://jens@mydomain.com/INBOX" to connect.
2013-01-19 20:42:01 auth(default): Info: client in: AUTH 1 PLAIN service=imap lip=MYLOCALIP rip=MYREMOTEIP lport=143 rport=49509 resp=<hidden> 2013-01-19 20:42:01 auth(default): Info: passwd-file(jens,MYREMOTEIP): no passwd file: /etc/auth//shadow 2013-01-19 20:42:01 auth(default): Info: new auth connection: pid=6613 2013-01-19 20:42:03 auth(default): Info: client out: FAIL 1 user=jens 2013-01-19 20:42:08 imap-login: Info: Disconnected (auth failed, 1 attempts): user=<jens>, method=PLAIN, rip=MYREMOTEIP, lip=MYLOCALIP
Seems the stab in the dark was correct :)
How can I get the login in the user@domain format?
Add it to your passwd file:
$ cat /etc/auth/mydomain.com/passwd jens@mydomain.com:{SSHA}...
Unfortunately this did not fix it. The log is still the same.