Le lundi 4 juillet 2011 00:40, ml@smtp.fakessh.eu a écrit :
Le dimanche 3 juillet 2011 23:57, Stephan Bosch a écrit :
On 07/03/2011 10:22 PM, ml@smtp.fakessh.eu wrote:
I met a few times the problem or an email that passes through a sieve script is silently discard after delivery but never returned to the inbox
all testimonials are welcome
plugin {
plugin = $mail_plugins autocreate managesieve sieve sieve = ~/.dovecot.sieve sieve_before = /var/sieve-scripts/roundcube.sieve sieve_dir = ~/sieve sieve_global_path = whatever }
egrep lda /var/Log/maillog
2011-07-03 19:47:15lda(fakessh): Debug: sieve: executed before user's script(1): /var/sieve-scripts/roundcube.sieve
2011-07-03 19:47:15lda(fakessh): Debug: sieve: executing script from /var/sieve-scripts/roundcube.svbin 2011-07-03 19:47:15lda(fakessh): Info: sieve: msgid=<6EBEE5FC-62B1-4C73-B26E-DEBFD6E26DB6@shorewall.net>: marked message to be discarded if not explicitly delivered (discard action)
I would not call this a silent discard: it is reported in the log above. Also, the contents of roundcube.sieve that you showed in an earlier thread contained a single discard action, which is therefore the only likely culprit. Now the question boils down to: why is this discard action triggered? The interesting part of the script is the following:
require ["comparator-i;ascii-numeric","relational"]; if header :value "ge" :comparator "i;ascii-numeric" ["X-Spam-score"]["500"] { discard; stop; }
Since the message is discarded, it will most likely be impossible to retrieve that message and check why it fires this rule. The relatively innocent situation would be that your Spam filter truly produces this interesting score of > 500. A less innocent case would be a bug in the Sieve interpreter. Either way, we need to have access to one of those messages that triggers this rule and gets discarded without apparent reason.
My suggestion is to replace that `discard;' action with a `fileinto
:create "Debug";' action (:create creates the folder implicitly; depends
on mailbox extension require) to file messages that would normally be discarded into a special folder for later evaluation. Alternatively, you can redirect such messages to a special mail account.
Only then can we trace this problem any deeper.
thanks Stephan
I just change my sieve script by removing the implicit discard a fileinto :create "Junk.spam.spam"
until next time
Hi Stephan it just happened a mail that was issued in INBOX.spam.spam supposedly a hit with spam than 500 which does not appear in the body of the mail here Return-Path: <bar-return-176164-ml=smtp.fakessh.eu@ml.ovh.net> X-Original-To: fakessh@localhost.r13151.ovh.net Delivered-To: fakessh@localhost.r13151.ovh.net Received: from r13151.ovh.net (localhost.localdomain []) by r13151.ovh.net (Postfix) with ESMTP id BC2C3CC08C for <fakessh@localhost.r13151.ovh.net>; Mon, 4 Jul 2011 10:15:22 +0200 (CEST) X-SenderID: Sendmail Sender-ID Filter v1.0.0 r13151.ovh.net BC2C3CC08C Authentication-Results: r13151.ovh.net; sender-id=none header.from=mihamina@***tmb.org; spf=none smtp.mfrom=bar-return-176164-ml=smtp.fakessh.eu@ml.ovh.net Received-SPF: none (ml.ovh.net: No applicable sender policy available) receiver=r13151.ovh.net; identity=mailfrom; envelope-from="bar-return-176164-ml=smtp.fakessh.eu@ml.ovh.net"; helo=67.mail-out.ovh.net; client-ip=91.121.***.68 X-SenderID: Sendmail Sender-ID Filter v1.0.0 r13151.ovh.net C0199CC08B Authentication-Results: r13151.ovh.net; sender-id=none header.from=mihamina@***tmb.org; spf=none smtp.mfrom=bar-return-176164-ml=smtp.fakessh.eu@ml.ovh.net Received: from 67.mail-out.ovh.net (67.mail-out.ovh.net [91.121.***.68]) by r13151.ovh.net (Postfix) with SMTP id C0199CC08B for <ml@smtp.fakessh.eu>; Mon, 4 Jul 2011 10:15:14 +0200 (CEST) Received: (qmail 27270 invoked by uid 503); 4 Jul 2011 08:16:42 -0000 Received: from b9.ovh.net (HELO mail200.ha.ovh.net) ( by 67.mail-out.ovh.net with SMTP; 4 Jul 2011 08:16:42 -0000 Received: from b0.ovh.net (HELO queueout) ( by b0.ovh.net with SMTP; 4 Jul 2011 10:15:03 +0200 Mailing-List: Pour toute requete administrative, contactez bar-help@ml.ovh.net; Liste geree par ezmlm Precedence: bulk X-No-Archive: yes List-Post: <mailto:bar@ml.ovh.net> List-Help: <mailto:bar-help@ml.ovh.net> List-Unsubscribe: <mailto:bar-unsubscribe@ml.ovh.net> List-Subscribe: <mailto:bar-subscribe@ml.ovh.net> Reply-To: bar@ml.ovh.net Delivered-To: mailing list bar@ml.ovh.net Received: from b0.ovh.net (HELO queue) ( by b0.ovh.net with SMTP; 4 Jul 2011 10:15:03 +0200 Received: from smtp-out.ma**gasy.com ( by mx1.ovh.net with SMTP; 4 Jul 2011 10:15:01 +0200 Received: from smtp-2.****line.mg (unknown []) (using TLSv1 with cipher ADH-AES256-SHA (256/256 bits)) (No client certificate requested) by smtp-out.ma**gasy.com (Postfix) with ESMTPS id D6B1B94661; Mon, 4 Jul 2011 11:15:00 +0300 (EAT) Received: from localhost (antivirus3.ma**gasy.com []) by smtp-2.****line.mg (Postfix) with ESMTP id BD6A36008C; Mon, 4 Jul 2011 11:15:00 +0300 (EAT) X-Virus-Scanned: par antivirus3.ma***gasy.com X-Spam-Flag: NO X-Spam-Score: -1.9 X-Spam-Level: X-Spam-Status: No, score=-1.9 required=7 tests=[BAYES_00=-1.9] autolearn=ham Received: from smtp-2.b***line.mg ([]) by localhost (antivirus3.ma**gasy.com []) (amavisd-new, port 10024) with ESMTP id jEBXnDCKPoY4; Mon, 4 Jul 2011 11:14:54 +0300 (EAT) Received: from packard.**tmb.org (staff-104-10.ma***gasy.com []) by smtp-2.blueline.mg (Postfix) with SMTP id 5A89860064; Mon, 4 Jul 2011 11:14:53 +0300 (EAT) Date: Mon, 4 Jul 2011 11:14:53 +0300 From: Mihamina Rakotomandimby <mihamina@***tmb.org> To: bar@ml.ovh.net Cc: sd-basic@ml.ovh.net Message-Id: <20110704111453.87dd4f6c.mihamina@**tmb.org> In-Reply-To: <F712E05F-5E3F-47D3-B88F-2FE0D2B70626@****groupe.com> References: <4E0EF717.1050300@****heberg.com> <CA34CDAC.6BDF%julien@****vantage.com> <BANLkTikxia48Erwkk6tZB9hCvOD9FFPK0g@mail.gmail.com> <F712E05F-5E3F-47D3-B88F-2FE0D2B70626@****groupe.com> X-Mailer: Sylpheed 3.1.0beta2 (GTK+ 2.22.0; x86_64-pc-linux-gnu) Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable X-Ovh-Tracer-Id: 8540232269748607743 X-Ovh-Remote: (smtp-out.ma**gasy.com) X-Ovh-Local: (mx1.ovh.net) X-Spam-Check: DONE|U 0.5/N Subject: [bar] Re: [sd-basic] marketplace de SaaS X-Length: 5051 X-UID: 1 I do not see why this email was issued in this box -- http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x092164A7 gpg --keyserver pgp.mit.edu --recv-key 092164A7