On 30. Jul 2020, at 19.33, Aki Tuomi <aki.tuomi@open-xchange.com> wrote:

On 30/07/2020 19:29 Justin Coleman <jmcoleman@gmail.com> wrote:

Hi folks,
I have an old server running qmail with several years of mails in maildir format I want to migrate to a new server, without requiring fresh client download of everything.

Old server is debian 6(?). Local IP is
New server is Debian 10, local IP is

I have dovecot (latest from apt stable) installed and apparently working - if I manually copy the home directory for my account, I can connect (using thunderbird) and I get all the emails appearing as new, forcing redownload. Seems like the new config is at least functional.

I'm trying to follow the migration guide at https://wiki2.dovecot.org/Migration/Dsync, but I am getting an error message:
root@newserver:~# doveadm backup -R -u _user_ -o pop3c_user=_user_ -o pop3c_password=_password_
backup: invalid option -- 'o'
doveadm backup [-u <user>|-A] [-S <socket_path>] [-fPRU] [-l <secs>] [-r <rawlog path>] [-m <mailbox>] [-g <mailbox_guid>] [-n <namespace> | -N] [-x <exclude>] [-s <state>] [-t <start date>] -d|<dest>

doveadm -o pop3c_user=_user_ -o pop3c_password=_password_ backup -R -u _user_  pop3c:

Also I suggest to migrate over imap, not pop3. With pop3 migration you can't save the imap uid:s and all clients will see the mails as new.
