- Steve Litt, 18.07.22 19:20
All my email for the past 20 years is held on a Dovecot IMAP server (version (9b53102964)) on my desktop. I've been using Claws-Mail but want to switch to Mutt. [...] I know some people have been very successful running Mutt to access an IMAP server, so it appears to be possible. How should I run Mutt to access my Dovecot?
With dovecot- and mutt-2.2.6 and/or neomutt-20220429, this is all that's needed to make it work (your "imap_authenticators" setting should match your own setup, obviously):
[zlatko@disclosure:~]$ grep -i imap .muttrc set folder="imaps://myuser@imap.mydomain.net" set imap_user="myuser" set imap_pass="mypass" set imap_authenticators="cram-md5" set imap_check_subscribed=yes set imap_idle=yes set imap_keepalive=600 set imap_peek=no set imap_passive=no set spoolfile="imaps://myuser@imap.mydomain.net/"
No problems with missing folders whatsoever.
HTH Thomas