I set option disable_plaintext_auth = no then i set the auth_verbose = yes auth_debug = yes saved file, restarted dovecot try to loging using that damn eudora and still get error not supported authentication mechanism. I checked the logs right after that and the only thing i've seen there was that client was disconected. If i use this line mail_debug = yes I get an error saying that this is not dovecot syntax. Mike ----- Original Message ----- From: "Alexander Shikoff" <minotaur@crete.org.ua> To: "michal" <michal@bio-world.com> Cc: "Dovecot Users Mailing List" <dovecot@dovecot.org> Sent: Tuesday, September 27, 2005 11:54 AM Subject: Re: [Dovecot] POP3 problem
On Tue, Sep 27, 2005 at 11:37:01AM -0400, michal wrote:
Thanks for your replay It was the firewall on linux. I had to add device to trusted devices and its working now. But I have different problem. I cannot get Eudora 6 to work on Mac. Outlook is working fine everywhere but everytime i tried to download msgs from the server i was getting this error: wrong authentication. I have checked the password few times server and everything. I tried that account in outlook and it was working, any ideas what might be wrong with that ? Thanks for the hints about debug. I`m sure it will be helpful at some point.
mechanisms' parameter in auth section of dovecot.conf file, all auth section (password and user databases) and
disable_plaintext_auth' setting. The way used by client to send password must conform to dovecot settings (plain/encrypted passwords etc).And again, if you cannot get something to work take a look in log-file. Usually there are enough information to solve the problem. Description of problem given by you does not give much information.
-- Kind Regards, Alexander Shikoff minotaur@crete.org.ua Mob.: +380 67 946 31 49