I think I have run into an issue which has been posted to this list in 2018 already:
Hello Rob,
Do you by chance have a virtual/All folder which holds all your messages? If so, could I see that configuration?
Thanks. Dave.
On 2/27/18, Rob Hoelz <rob+dovecot at hoelz.ro <https://dovecot.org/mailman/listinfo/dovecot>> wrote:
/Hi list, />//>/I just encountered a problem while using dovecot's Virtual plugin with />/2.3.0. I managed to solve the issue, />/but I wanted to bring it to the attention of others on the list to see if />/there exists a better solution, if />/I found a bug, or if it's just a matter of updating documentation. />//>/I have a virtual folder to get the most recent two weeks of mails; it looks />/something like this: />//>>/INBOX />>/all younger 1209600 />//>/I made this folder back in October. Lately, I started to notice that the />/virtual folder had a surprising amount />/of mail in it - I don't get 1,000 e-mails per week! After some doveadm />/commands, I realized that e-mails from />/October were still present in my virtual folder! Updating the />/dovecot-virtual would clear away e-mails older than />/two weeks (I needed to actually introduce a change, even if it was just />/whitespace - just touching the file didn't />/update things), and removing the dovecot index file also cleared things />/away. In then end, I ended up just telling />/dovecot to disable on-disk indexes for that folder. />//>/I created this folder based on the examples on />/https://wiki.dovecot.org/Plugins/Virtual <https://wiki.dovecot.org/Plugins/Virtual> - I'm wondering if I found a bug />/or if that page should be changed to recommend disabling on-disk indexes />/when using certain search query filters such as />/"younger". If the latter, I can always make the change - just let me know! />//>/-Rob />
Unfortunately, that thread died, so I'm trying my luck now...
I am trying to have mail from several shared mailboxes show up in a user's INBOX if they are unread or younger than 24h, using the filter "or (unseen) (all younger 86400)". This works when forcing dovecot to regenerate index files, as mentioned above, by adding spaces to the virtual Inbox config file. Otherwise, mail older than 24h is not removed from the virtual INBOX. Any help would be greatly appreciated :)
namespace configuration:
namespace lists { list = children location = maildir:/var/mail/lists:CONTROL=~/Maildir/lists:INDEX=~/Maildir/lists prefix = lists. separator = . subscriptions = no type = public } namespace real { hidden = yes list = no location = prefix = RealMails. separator = . } namespace vimap { hidden = yes list = no location = virtual:/var/mail/virtual/vimap:INDEX=~/Maildir/vimap prefix = vimap. separator = . }
!RealMails all lists.* or (unseen) (all younger 86400)
dovecot version: # (f79e8e7e4) # Pigeonhole version 0.5.4 () # OS: Linux 4.19.0-14-amd64 x86_64 Debian 10.8