- Robert Schetterer <robert@schetterer.org>:
Am 05.09.2012 08:14, schrieb Patrick Ben Koetter:
Try this:
mailbox "Gesendete Objekte" { special_use = \Sent auto=subscribe }
i will do when Outlook 2013 in german got released
AFAIK the English version should automagically map itself to that folder.
agree ,it should
thunderbirds status about xlist etc can be seen here
looks like , its on the road, from pure tec side no idea if and when it will go released
It is implemented. We had to adapt a few extra functions to deal with 64 bit stuff. Currently it is not being pushed further because of the uncertainty of TBs future. Once it will become clear how new features will be released we will spend the rest of money and time to ship the feature. For now I will not spend a single more Euro.
-- state of mind ()
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