Hi Paul,
I don't understand how to use your idea/script together with the rawlog feature of Dovecot. The rawlog feature in Dovecot writes multiple files (two for each connection, one for raw requests and one for raw responses) into a predefined directory for the user. This generates dozens or hundreds of files per user per day, each file with a timestamp in it, so the filename is not predictable.
How should I create "a socket" for that to capture the file contents if I don't know the filenames that will be used?

Am 28-Jul-2022 13:02:16 +0200 schrieb paul@scom.ca:

Hi - I use this python script to capture a socket (ie the log file) and
then send it to syslog, i use this for all the systems that do not
really support syslogging (apache etc)

basic useage

/usr/bin/nohup /programs/common/capture -s
/usr/local/apache2/logs/httpd-access.log -l httpd -d -p
httpd & > /dev/null

i typically run this at startup in rc.local

hope this helps