If you don't have root, you are probably going to be restricted from other methods by the security policy of a shared host. In that case, just use fetchmail or other means of checking mail for your 'trigger' message, then run your process where you DO have permission. Ken
Wojciech Puchar <wojtek@wojtek.tensor.gdynia.pl> wrote:
Old school - in /etc/aliases you can set: user "|/home/user/script" And read the mail from stdin. Ken
works great but requires root to do this
Voytek Eymont <voytek@sbt.net.au> wrote:
anyone has any tips what's best way to execute a script via email ?
I have a wget script that fetches some pages, and, emails me the output, there is no paramters passed, it's all in the script I'll like to email in and action the script to get the results email
-- Voytek