

My mail server has a global Sieve rule defined in sieve_before to file messages classified as spam by spamassassin into the Spam folder:


require ["regex", "fileinto", "imap4flags"];


if allof (header :regex "X-Spam-Status" "^Yes") {

  fileinto "Spam";



This works great, except I’d like the ability to whitelist certain senders or domains whose emails end up in Spam, usually due to a misconfigured SPF DNS TXT record or something like that.  I use Roundcube as my Webmail client, so the easiest way to whitelist would be to create a rule for each domain directly in Roundcube using its built-in Sieve integration to move legitimate messages out of the Spam folder.  I already have several rules set up to flag and sort non-spam messages, and they’re working fine.  I therefore tried adding a simple rule to move Spam into the Inbox:


# rule:[Not Spam]

if allof (header :contains "from" "user@good-domain.com")


        fileinto "INBOX";



However, the above rule does not work as I expected.  When I receive an email from good-domain.com that’s classified as Spam by spamassassin, the global rule sends it to the Spam folder and it is not re-filed into the Inbox.  The second rule doesn’t seem to do anything.  I’m probably doing something simple wrong, but I can’t figure out what (I’m a Sieve newb).  Any suggestions please?


