On 15.3.2019 8.40, Kunal A. via dovecot wrote:
Could someone help figure out whats wrong with my config based on the debug below?

What I am trying to achieve is to get email1@example.com to read emails in the Public directory that is stored on /run/media/computer/Storage/Email/fastmail/Archive with the preface Public/Archive  .

The ACL has been set for anyone with permissions to lookup,read,write as shown below:-

doveadm acl get -u email1@example.com Public/Archive
ID     Global Rights                                               
anyone        lookup read write    

But when I try to access the emails for email1@example.com , there are no folders.
Could someone here help review my debug log and advise what could be causing this (dovecot -n output is provided below the debug message)

Many thanks for assistance.

Mar 15 01:29:28 machine dovecot[2100]: imap(email1@example.com)<5167><i8fdSBuE8uMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAB>: Error: open(/run/media/computer/Storage/Email/fastmail/dovecot-acl-list) failed: Permission denied

Mar 15 01:29:28 machine dovecot[2100]: imap(email1@example.com)<5167><i8fdSBuE8uMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAB>: Error: stat(/run/media/computer/Storage/Email/fastmail) failed: Permission denied (euid=5000(vmail) egid=5000(vmail) missing +w perm: /run/media/computer/Storage/Email/fastmail stat(/run/media/computer/Storage/Email/fastmail) failed: Permission denied, dir owned by 0:0 mode=0775)

Mar 15 01:29:28 machine dovecot[2100]: imap(email1@example.com)<5167><i8fdSBuE8uMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAB>: Error: stat(/run/media/computer/Storage/Email/fastmail/.temp.e480machine.5167.a6506e27bd37a68a) failed: Permission denied

Mar 15 01:30:14 machine dovecot[2100]: imap(email1@example.com)<5167><i8fdSBuE8uMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAB>: Error: mkdir(/run/media/computer/Storage/Email/fastmail) failed: Permission denied (euid=5000(vmail) egid=5000(vmail) missing +w perm: /run/media/computer, we're not in group 0(root), dir owned by 0:0 mode=0775)

Maybe try fix these?
